Web Security
Web Security
Fortify Your Enterprise with Unparalleled Web Security Solutions. Infodata Professional Services offers robust enterprise website security solutions to shield your web and online presence from evolving cyber threats.

Web Security Solutions

Infodata Professional Services understands the critical need for robust web security. We offer a powerful suite of solutions specifically designed to address the complex requirements of enterprises:

Web Security
  • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

    Malicious scripts injected into web pages exploit users' browsers, compromising web app security.

  • SQL Injection

    Attackers insert malicious SQL code into web app inputs to manipulate databases, risking data integrity and confidentiality.

  • DDoS Attacks (Distributed Denial of Service)

    Overwhelming web servers with traffic from multiple sources disrupts web services, impacting user experience and brand reputation.

  • Phishing

    Deceptive emails or websites trick users into revealing sensitive information, compromising web security and user trust.

Features of Our Web Security Solutions

Infodata Professional Services understands the critical need for robust web security. We offer a powerful suite of solutions specifically designed to address the complex requirements of enterprises:

  • Multi-Layered Defense

    Our approach goes beyond the surface. We provide a layered security shield that protects various aspects of your online presence

  • Web Applications Security

    We safeguard your Applications from vulnerabilities that hackers might exploit. This includes code reviews, security testing, and deploying Web Application Firewalls (WAFs) to filter out malicious traffic.

  • Website Security

    We fortify your websites with industry-standard practices like strong HTTPS encryption, regular vulnerability patching, and advanced measures to prevent website defacement or malware distribution.

  • DDoS Mitigation

    DDoS attacks can cripple your website. We offer robust DDoS mitigation services to counter these attacks and ensure your website remains accessible to legitimate users.

  • Data Loss Prevention (DLP)

    We implement DLP solutions to identify and prevent sensitive data from being accidentally or intentionally leaked through web applications or websites

  • Content Security Policy (CSP)

    Our solutions utilize CSP to mitigate web application security risks. By defining trusted sources for scripts and content, we reduce the possibility of malicious code injection.

  • Scalable and Manageable

    Our solutions are designed to scale alongside your organization's growth. They offer centralized management for simplified control over your entire web security posture.

  • Compliance Expertise

    Many industries have data security and privacy regulations. We can help you navigate these regulations and ensure your enterprise website security solution meets compliance requirements.

67% of websites have vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers.

Your organization shouldn't be in this statistics. Schedule a session with our Web Security Experts today.

Our Process

Secure Your Organization’s Web In 4 Steps

Let's explore solutions to comprehensively secure your organization's Web Applications.


Request Consultation

Begin by filling out our form to provide project details. Your input guides us in tailoring solutions to meet your IT needs effectively.


Requirement Gathering

Let's gain more clarity on your pain points and objectives. We'll explore approach, timelines, and other required criteria.


Review and Alignment

Based on discussions, an implementation plan with milestones, budgets and more are shared and reviewed with you.



All required resources for the successful and timely implementation of a Web project are activated.

Request Consultation Today With our Web Security Expert.​

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